Thursday, June 23, 2011

magic of the morning light

Morning light, that mystical and magical light that welcomes the day.  One cannot appreciate it enough.  Mornings are my time, out before sunrise, before others have made their mark in the sand.  Before human noise inturups the sounds and life of nature. Before all the unique, unusual, ordinary, beautiful and devistating finds has washed up on the beach and been disturbed.

Morning when questions are asked and answers are sometimes found.  Life makes sense, less complicated when one is walking miles on the beach.

Morning when such profound beauty is witnessed by so few and yet it is so unlimited.

I hope to bring beauty, the questions, the answers, the love of the Outer Banks within the images, poems and stories as I journey up and down the banks.  enjoy and stay a while if you like.

Image taken at sunrise on the beach at Salvo NC

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