Saturday, June 25, 2011

passion or obsession

All who know me understand my passion or obsession as my friends would call it, for the Outer Banks.  It is a love that runs deep, deeper than just a nice place to visit; it is as deep as blood.  You see that beyond my love and desire for the welfare of those that live on and around the Outer Banks; the stewardship of the barrier islands; the childhood dreams of the Outer Banks long before I had ever visited there;  is a bond of blood, family blood. 
  Following my family linage, a direct line of my family are from the very eastern part of North Carolina dating back to the 1700’s.  Some as early as the late 1600’s and possibly earlier if I can make the connection to my Grandma’s  story passed down that we are descendants of Algonquin Indians.  Algonquin Indians lived in and around the Outer Banks long before the first settlers arrived.   But if you have ever researched family linage records are sketchy at best the further back you go.  
Beyond the beauty of the Outer Banks, the history that is sometimes not known or so little known is simply amazing.   If you ever have the opportunity to visit go ahead and visit the normal spots but then look further, search out the history, talk to the locals, it is amazing what you will learn.
It will be very quickly understood why I am so passionate.

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